Override EDBC - PPS

Foster Care aid codes will be determined through rules built into KEES. There are limited situations in which the user may override the aid code.

Refer to the PPS Funding – Aid Code Definition job aid to assist with determining when to use the above aid codes.

Override a Foster Care Aid Code

  1. While on the Foster Care EDBC page click the Edit button in the Placement Information section. The Foster Care Aid Code Override Detail page displays with the System Aid Code in static form.

  2. Select the appropriate Aid Code from the drop-down menu.

  3. Click the Save and Return button. The Foster Care EDBC page displays with the new aid code in the Program Aid Code field with the System Aid Code beneath Overridden Aid Code.

  4. Click the Accept button. The EDBC List page displays with a Run Status of Accepted-Not Saved.

  5. Click the Save and Continue button. The Case Summary page displays with the new Aid Code in the Foster Care program block.