Processing Overpayments

NOTE:  Overpayments cannot be determined and processed until the benefit has issued for the Overpayment month in KEES.  

To Process an Overpayment

  1. Access the case through Person Search or enter the Case Number in the quick search field from Task Navigation and click Go. The Case Summary page displays.

  2. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation.

  3. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation.

  4. Click the + or next to Non-Financial or Financial to expand or collapse the list of non-financial or financial data collection pages.

  5. Update the necessary data collection pages for any information being used to process the overpayment.  See Non-Financial Data Collection and Financial Data Collection for additional information on completing these pages.

Remember: Take screenshots of any information prior to making changes to the record history.

NOTE: Income must be captured in the Unreported Amount field on the Income Amount Detail page in order disallow earned income deductions for overpayments.

  1. Update the information to be used in the benefit determination, then select Run EDBC from Task Navigation. The Run EDBC page displays.

  2. Run EDBC for all applicable programs for the month of the overpayment. Select a Timely Notice Exception of Yes and a Reason of Admin/Client Error.  The EDBC results show as Not Accepted on the EDBC List page.

  3. Click the EDBC hyperlink to view the EDBC Summary page. The EDBC Summary shows if an overpayment exists.

  4. If an overpayment exists, click the Accept button to accept the EDBC result. The Select Recovery Account page displays.

  5. Review all Pending Recovery Accounts associated to the case.

  6. If this is the first month of overpayment, an account needs to be added. Click the Add Recovery Account button to create a new recovery account.

When EDBC is run for a subsequent overpayment in a series of months, the Pending Recovery Account displays. If a Pending Recovery Account exists, click the Account Number hyperlink to navigate to the Recovery Account Detail page. See Adding an Overpayment to an Existing Recovery Account for more information.

NOTE: Each program overpayment must have a unique Recovery Account. For example, a Food Assistance overpayment should not be put on a Recovery Account with a TANF overpayment. Each program requires a Recovery Account for its’ overpayments. This is because only FA benefits can be used to repay an FA overpayment and only TANF benefits may be used to repay a TANF overpayment.

  1. Once the Recovery Account is created or selected, the Recovery Account Detail displays. The Recovery Account Detail page contains information relevant to that account number.

  2. Enter the Discovery Date, the date the agency discovered the need to process the overpayment.

  3. Assigned To: defaults to the Ghost Worker ID assigned to the applicable Program Block .

  4. Select the Cause from the drop-down menu. The Cause values are:

  1. Select the Reason from the drop-down menu. The Reason values are:

NOTE: All applicable, known overpayments should be assigned to the same Recovery Account (a single Recovery Account for each program) before sending the initial overpayment correspondence and activating the Recovery Account. Activation of the Recovery Account begins the collections process.

Only change a Recovery Account status to Active after the consumer has had the opportunity to respond to the overpayment correspondence.  Once a Recovery Account is Active - no new overpayments can be added to that account. The user should set up an additional Recovery Account if all associated overpayments were not added to the initial account.

  1. Click the Add button in the Responsible Party block to assign the Responsible Party. The Responsible Party Detail page displays.

NOTE: The Responsible Party should be the Primary Individual for the program.

  1. Click the Select button. The Select Person page displays.

  2. Search for the Responsible Party using the appropriate search criteria. See Person Search for more information.

  3. Click the radio button for the person then click the Select button.

The Responsible Party Detail page displays with the Responsible Party Name, SSN, and Case Number.

  1. Click the Save and Return button. The Recovery Account Detail displays.

  2. Click the Save and Return button. The EDBC List page displays.

  3. If another program requires a Recovery Account, repeat STEP 9 - STEP 23. Otherwise, click the Save and Continue button.

NOTE: This process needs to be completed for each month an overpayment is processed, though a single Recovery Account is used for all associated overpayments for a single program.

Remember: Always run the EDBC months in order from the initial overpayment month to the last overpayment month.

  1. After re-running EDBC, in order, for the months with overpayments and adding the amounts to the Pending Recovery Account, the Status of the account needs to remain Pending until the consumer has had 15 days to respond to the form.

NOTE: If the Recovery Account Status Reason is Pending Fraud Prosecution, the user must wait until the judgement is made on the pending fraud before generating the repayment agreement form.

NOTE: All non-fraud Overpayments should remain in Pending Status until the consumer returns the Repay Agreement or the consumer has had 15 days.   

When All Overpayments have been Added:

  1. Select Fiscal from Global Navigation and Collections from Local Navigation. The Recovery Account Search page displays.

  2. Complete a search for the Recovery Account.

  3. Click the Recovery Account hyperlink. The Recovery Account Detail displays.

  4. If the account is NOT Pending Fraud Prosecution, click the Generate Form button.

NOTE: If the program is RCA or Diversion do NOT use the Generate Form button.  Instead, navigate to Document Control and send the V103. See Generating a Form for more information.

  1. Create a Case Flag for an Outstanding Overpayment see Setting a Case Flag for instructions.

  2. If a Repayment Agreement was sent, a Task is created with a due date 15 days after the form is sent.

Once the consumer has had 15 days to respond, the user can set the Recovery Account to Active. See Setting a Recoupment for instructions on creating the recoupment.

NOTE: Once the Status on a Recovery Account Detail is set to Active no additional overpayments may be added to that account.