Read the Medical EDBC Summary Page - PPS

The Medical EDBC Summary page is viewed during the eligibility process prior to accepting EDBC.

General Information

Begin Month and End Month show the dates of the EDBC record.  

NOTE:  If there is no End Month – this means the EDBC is high-dated and has not ended.  Since the EDBC is high-dated this is the consumer’s current eligibility.  Prior Medical months are never high-dated.

Run Date shows the date EDBC was run.

Run Status shows one of these values:

Accepted By shows who accepted the EDBC result:

EDBC Information

The EDBC Information block shows the type of EDBC:

Program Configuration

System Determination

EDBC Source:

Program Status:

Name Hyperlink

When clicking the Name hyperlink, the Individual Eligibility Criteria page is displayed. This page shows potential eligibility for medical programs. It also shows financial and non-financial criteria used in making the determination.

Role shows only one of these values for PPS:

Role Reasons - not applicable for PPS Foster Care or Adoption Assistance

Status is whether the consumer is:

Reporting Configuration

Not applicable for PPS.  This block is used to determine if the program is eligible to receive assistance under the Elderly and Disabled program eligibility criteria. Fields include:

Medical Summary

This block shows the EDBC rules results for an Eligible Budget, Potential Eligibility, and Failed and Overridden Budgets.

Result column under the Eligible Budgets block shows Pass

FPL% - not applicable for PPS

Premium/LTC Liability/Spenddown – not applicable for PPS

Aid Code is the state assigned classification determined by the program applied for and on the consumer’s eligibility determination.    

Example: FCM/DC/N/N which translates to Foster Care Medical for DCF case/Not Sobra/Not Inmate

LTC Details show the Long Term Care specific criteria.

Example: HC/HC/SE which translates to Home and Community Based Services with waiver for Severe Emotional Disturbance Member Tested shows consumers tested and passed.

Role values include:

Role Reasons pertain to individual eligibility and display if the consumer is not a MEM.  They explain why the individual is not considered in the budgeting unit.  Not applicable for PPS.