Reapply Program - PPS

Reapply for medical if:

Reapply foster care if:

Reapply Youth Independent Living if:

The Reapply button does not display for a denied or a discontinued case if there is an approved application for the consumer in the future or if there is already a pending application for the consumer.

To Reapply Program:

  1. Access the case through Person Search - PPS or enter the Case Number in the quick search field from Task Navigation and click Go.  The Case Summary page displays.

  2. Change the Display Date to the application month. Click the View button to refresh the page with the new display date.

  3. Click the caret of the collapsed program block the user wishes to view to expand the block and see the program details.

  4. Click the View Details button in the program block.  The Program Detail page displays.

  5. Click the Edit button.  The Program Detail page displays in editable mode.

  6. Click the Reapply button In the Program Persons section.  The New/Reapplication Detail page displays.

  7. Enter the Application Date and Beginning Date of Aid on the New/Reapplication Detail page using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon. The Program Detail page redisplays.

  8. Click the check box for the person record, then click the Save and Return button. If you receive a warning message, see Reapply Warning Messages. The page redisplays in view format.

  9. Click the Save and Return button. The Case Summary page displays.