Relationship - Non-Medical

All people on a program need an assigned relationship to all other program members, excluding those with a high-dated Household Status of either Permanently Out of the Home or Added in Error. To maintain an accurate historical record, changes to relationships should be completed through adding the new relationship, thus end dating the previous relationship.

Relationships are reciprocal and only need to be entered once.      

Example: Micah is the son of Bryan — KEES knows that Bryan is Micah’s father.

NOTE: This page uses Continuous Dating, meaning there can be no gaps or overlaps between the records. If needing to make a change to information on this page, users must Add a new record. When the new record is saved, effective dating occurs in order to maintain historical data.   To Add or Update Relationships

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Relationship from Task Navigation. The Relationship List page displays.

  2. Click the Add button. The Relationship Detail page displays.

  3. Select a Name from the drop-down menu in the First Individual field.

NOTE: To save time, select the person in the home that has the same relationship with other people on the program as the first individual.


  1. Select a Relationship Status from the drop-down menu.

NOTE: When Unrelated is selected as the Relationship Status, a Cohabiting Partner check box displays. The user should indicate this as per policy.

  1. Select a Name from the list in the Second Individual field.

  2. If applicable, select the Care and Control check box.

NOTE: Only one consumer should be selected to have Care and Control of a child.

Mark Care and Control in the following instances:


For Child Care:


For Food Assistance (FA):

NOTE: Marking Care and Control is not needed when the consumer is a single parent with a child under the age of 6.

  1. Selecting the Care and Control check box dynamically displays the Care and Control Programs; this is a mandatory field.. The user should select Non-Medical.

  2. Enter the Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon or select the Use Person DOB as Begin Date check box if the person’s DOB is the begin date of this relationship. For example, use the check box in parent/child and sibling relationships.

  3. Select a Non-Medical Verified value from the drop-down menu.

  4. Click the Save and Add Another button to add additional records. Otherwise, click the Save and Return button.

  5. If a relationship already existed for the persons, the Effective Dating Confirmation List page displays. Verify the information is correct and click the Save button.

NOTE: When updating, editing, or adding verification to an existing relationship the user receives a soft warning —Error Warninga change to relationship can affect another case. The user needs to verify information is accurate and continue by clicking the Save and Return button.