TANF Time Limits

The Time Limits Summary page displays Cash Aid benefit history for consumers, including out of state benefits and exceptions (i.e. Hardship, Repayment, etc). If a record already exists for a consumer, click the Name hyperlink to view details regarding Cash Aid months received on the Cash Aid Time Limit Month List page.

For Business Process steps see TANF Time Limits Process.

NOTE: Users do not need to add Cash Aid Time Limits months for benefits received in KEES, as these months are automatically created by a batch.

To Manually Add TANF Time Limit Months

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Time Limits from Task Navigation. The Time Limit Summary page displays.

  2. Select the consumer from the Name drop-down menu below the Cash-Aid block. Then click the Add button. The Cash Aid Time Limit Month List page displays.

NOTE:  If a Cash Aid Time Limit record already exists for the consumer on the Time Limit Summary page, click the Name hyperlink to navigate to the Cash Aid Time Limit Month List page.

  1. Click the Add button. The Cash Aid Time Limit Month Detail page displays.

  2. Enter the Begin Month using the <mm/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  3. Enter the End Month using the <mm/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  4. Select the Add Reason from the drop-down menu. Additional fields dynamically display depending on the Add Reason selected. Complete all dynamic fields using the following guidelines:



  • Hardship
  • Caretaker of Disabled Household Member
  • Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault
  • Executive Review
  • Long-Term Disability
  • PPS
  • Other/Entered in Error
  • Entered in Error/Remove
  • Repay
  • 700- TANF Repayment (entire month)

NOTE:  Used when a consumer has paid back an overpayment and that TANF months is no longer counted as used in the Lifetime amount limit.


  1. Click the Save button.  The Cash Aid Time Limit Month List page displays.

  2. Click the Close button.  The Time Limit Summary page displays.

TANF Time Limits Process

This business process flow shows the high level steps utilized to determine TANF Time Limits.

Business Process Diagram

Business Process Steps

Red/Purple Team Worker

NOTE: To manually add months from another state, indicate the Begin Month and End Month, select Out of State as the Add Reason, and select the appropriate state. To indicate a hardship criteria, indicate the Begin Month and End Month, select TANF as the Program, select Hardship as the Type, and select an appropriate Reason.


Identified Changes

Key Process Considerations