Transferring a Journal Entry - Non-Medical

Transferring a journal entry allows the user to remove an entry from one case and move it to another case. When transferring a journal entry it no longer remains visible on the original case. Ensure the case numbers are accurate when copying journal entries as the system will only error if the case number is invalid.

From within the context of a case:

  1. Click Journal from Utility Navigation. The Journal List window opens.

  2. Select the check box for the entry to be transferred to a different case.

  3. Click the Transfer button to open the Journal Entry: Transfer window.

  4. Enter the case number the journal entry should be transferred to in the To Case Number field.

  5. Click the Transfer button to transfer the entry and return to the Journal List window.

  6. Close the Journal List window. When the user reopens the Journal for the case, the transferred journal entry no longer displays.

  7. Navigate to the other case to view the transferred journal entry.