Troubleshooting KEES


KEES Case Lock

The KEES case locks a case in 2 instances:

Online Help

Online Help is a tool utilized to view the granular details of a page. The Online Help tool informs the user of all the page elements and page instructions of the page the user is currently viewing.  Help is one of the functions that can be selected from Utility Navigation at the top of most pages. 

Clicking the Help link from Utility Navigation opens a new window displaying KEES Online Help.  

Using the Search function in Online Help allows users to type any word and view a list of the Online Help pages that contain that word. Search helps determine page, location, and subject the user is looking for.

  1. Click Help from Utility Navigation.

  2. Click the Search tab. The Search text box displays on the left side of the page.

  3. Enter a keyword in the Search text box.

  4. Click the Blue Arrow to the right of the entered keyword.

  5. The search results display.

KEES Session Time Out Display

If a user is inactive for more than 15 minutes, the user will be logged out automatically from the system.  The system timer that is displayed displays a countdown starting at 15 minutes. After signing into KEES when an end user is inactive for a short amount of time the system time out display will start a countdown at 15 minutes.  The countdown continues until the end users takes system action. If KEES remains inactive for 15 minutes the display reads ‘Your Session Has Timed Out’.

To View the KEES Session Time Out Display:


  1. Right click the (light blue) area above the KEES URL.

  2. Check Status bar from the menu options.

  3. Click close at the bottom of the menus options.


The KEES Session Time Out will Display.