
A unit is created to group end users who are part of the same team.

Add a Unit

From the KEES Home Page:

  1. Select Admin Tools from Global Navigation. Select Office Admin from Local Navigation. Select Unit from Task Navigation. The Unit Search page displays.
  2. Enter the search criteria using the Unit ID field, Unit Type and/or Division drop-down menus.
  3. Click the Search button. The Unit Search page redisplays with the search results.
  4. If your Unit is not found, click the Add Unit button. The Unit Detail page displays.
  5. Enter the Unit ID.
  6. Select the Unit Type from the drop-down menu.
  7. Select the Division from the drop-down menu.
  8. Enter the Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.
  9. Click the Save button. The Unit Detail page redisplays in view only format.
  10. Click the Close button.

Update a Unit

From the KEES Home Page:

  1. Select Admin Tools from Global Navigation. Select Office Admin from Local Navigation. Select Unit from Task Navigation. The Unit Search page displays.
  2. Enter the search criteria using the Unit ID field, Unit Type and/or Division drop-down menus.
  3. Click the Search button. The Unit Search page redisplays with the search results.
  4. Click the Edit button for the record to be updated. The Unit Detail page displays.
  5. Update the desired fields as needed then click the Save button. The Unit Detail page redisplays in view only format.
  6. Click the Close button.