
Verification involves collecting and verifying the submission of various data from the consumer needed to process eligibility.

Most data collection screens have verification fields which capture whether the information entered has been verified. Some data in KEES and how it is verified is shared between programs and agencies. For example data on the Individual Demographics Detail page is shared and contains one Verified drop-down menu for all programs and agencies.

Data for individuals that is not shared between agencies have separate Program Type values, Medical, Non-Medical, or LIEAP. The Income Detail page and Verification List page have data separated according to program type.

Verification Drop-Down Values

Common verification drop-down values:

Drop-Down Value

Use When

Not Applicable

the verification is Not Applicable. Best practice is to use Pending or Verified, but this value may be selected when appropriate.


the verification has not yet been received.


the consumer either refuses to provide or fails to provide necessary information.


the verification has been provided. This can be verification received via Agency, Collateral Contact, Client Statement, Hard Copy, or Visually Verified.


Verifications drop-down values specific to SSN on the Individual Demographics Detail page:

Drop-Down Value



Verified by an Interface


Verified by an Interface

Good Cause


SSN Application Filed at SSA


SSN Provided-Pending for Medical only

Adds a SSN Request to the Verification List page

No SSN Available-Pending

Adds a SSN Request to the Verification List page

NOTE: If consumer’s SSN was verified by an interface (ie HUB-SSA or SSA-SVES), DO NOT change the drop-down value to anything else.