Viewing a Mass Payment, Payment Request for a Single Provider

  1. Select Fiscal from the Global Navigation. Select Payment Requests from the Local Navigation. The Payment Request Search page displays.

  2. Select Payee from the Search By drop-down menu.

  3. Select Resource radio button.

  4. Click the Select button.

  5. Enter the following information:

  6. Click the Search button. The Select Resource page displays.

    NOTE: If you have more many one resource listed the user can click on the Name hyperlink and review the Resource Detail page. Use the back browser button to return to the Select Resource page.

  7. Select the radio button for the appropriate Name. Click the Select button. The Payment Request Search page displays.

  8. Click the Search button. The Payment Request Search results page displays.

    NOTE: No other action is needed since the Status indicates Approved. The user will need to click on the KEES Icon to return to the KEES home page.