Work Program Search

Utilizing the Work Program Search

  1. Select Services from Global Navigation. Select Workload Inventory from Local Navigation. Select Work Program Search from Task Navigation.  The Work Program Search page displays.

  2. Select the search criteria from the Search By drop-down menu.  The Work Program Search page fields are dynamic based on your selection.  

  3. Enter the appropriate number or click the Select button.  Based on your search criteria one of following pages will display:

  4. Enter the desired search criteria.

  5. Click the Search button.  The appropriate search criteria page displays with the results of the search.   

  6. Review the information for accuracy.  If the information is correct click the Select button. The Work Program Search page displays.

NOTE: If the information is not correct click the Refine Your Search hyperlink at the top of the page.  Re-enter the information.  Click the Search button.  Once the correct information displays click the radio button and click the Select button to return to the Work Program Search page.

  1. Select the appropriate value from the Program Status drop-down menu.

  1. Enter the Date Range using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.

  2. Click the Search button.  The Work Program Search page displays.