Work Programs Process

This business process flow shows the high level steps utilized to open and maintain a Work Programs program in KEES.

Business Process Diagram

Visio diagram of the steps depicted in the verbiage below.

Business Process Steps

Red/Purple Team Worker

Work Programs Worker

Identified Changes

Key Process Considerations

General Considerations

Child Care Considerations

NOTE: See Child Care for more information on processing Child Care eligibility in KEES.


NOTE: Post-Secondary policy guidelines do not apply to TANF Eligible Child Care; therefore, ‘Post-Secondary Education’ should not be multi-selected as a Need Reason.

Communication Considerations

Imaging Considerations

Non-Compliance and Penalty Considerations

NOTE: If a CSS penalty has already been determined, the penalty needs to be removed from the Non-Compliance List page. Use e-mail to notify the Purple team good cause has been determined.

Supportive Services Considerations

Task Management Considerations

It is up to the worker’s desecration to re-assign the tasks to themselves or work them directly from the queue.

Verifications Considerations

Work Registration Considerations

NOTE: It is the Work Program Worker’s responsibility to determine if the consumer is ‘exempt’ from Work Programs due to caring for a disabled household member. If the consumer is found to be ‘exempt’, this is indicated on the Work Registration page and a request is sent to the Purple team to re-run EDBC via e-mail so that EDBC rules and reports are documented correctly.

Worker ID Considerations