Anyone who makes updates in KEES or ImageNow should be assigned a Worker ID. Management of Worker IDs is the responsibility of Unit Supervisors. It is recommended to reassign the Worker ID of staff with their replacement.
Any tasks or programs, assigned to the Worker ID at the time the Worker ID is end dated, are not visible to be worked. When reassigning a caseload, tasks assigned to the Worker ID are not transferred to the new Worker ID. See Reassigning a Task and/or Workload Assignment for detailed steps on reassigning tasks and programs.
See the Worker ID Code Table for specific Region, Office, Unit Type (Team) information and Worker Position.
Each office is assigned a Ghost Worker ID ending in 00; all Food Assistance, TANF, and Child Care program blocks are assigned this Worker ID.
Example: DW6702G100.
The Ghost Worker ID drives the office location populated on forms and task routing logic.
Employment Services programs are assigned to a single Worker ID and reflect the Career Navigator’s home office.
TANF Work Programs Example: DE4502B1A2; DA3102B2A2
FAET Example: DE4502B3A1
Each office has an Employment Services Ghost Worker ID that ends in ‘00’ for initial task routing logic.
PPS programs are assigned to a single Worker ID and are identified by an L1 unit type.
Example: DE4502L1A1
Please see the Worker ID Code Table for specific Worker ID assignments and additional information for the Office of Administration, Information Technology (IT) or Resource Databank (RDB).