These steps should be utilized to determine if a consumer has been disqualified from Food Assistance.

Once a consumer has submitted an application for Food Assistance, or a request has been made to add an adult to an existing Food Assistance program, the user must check the eDRS interface to determine if the consumer has any Active disqualification.  

See eDRS Process

To check the interface, follow the steps below:

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation.

  2. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation.

  3. Select Realtime Interfaces from Task Navigation.

  4. Select eDRS from the Interface Type drop-down menu.

  5. Select the Person from the Person drop-down menu.

  6. Select Eligibility Determination Request from the Purpose drop-down menu.

  7. Select the Search button.

    NOTE: If no results are found, nothing displays.

  8. If there is an Active disqualification select the Contact button from the Disqualification Details page to view the contact information of the eDRS Out of State Representative. Conduct secondary verification by calling the eDRS Out of State Representative.

  9. If there is a valid disqualification, create a Non-Compliance record for disqualification on the Non-Compliance page.  See Non-Financial Data Collection Non-Compliance for more information on completing a Non-Compliance record.

eDRS (Electronic Disqualified Recipient System) Process

The business process flow shows the high level steps utilized to verify if an applicant or recipient has been disqualified from Food Assistance in another state or Kansas.

Business Process Diagram


Business Process Steps

Red, Green, Blue or Purple Team:

NOTE: These steps need to be completed for all adults in the household at Application and when an adult is added to the Food Assistance program.

NOTE: If the secondary verification cannot be verified immediately, allow 20 days for the eDRS Out of State Representative to return the disqualification information. Staff should set a future task to follow up on the secondary approval. See Adding a Task-KEES Case for detailed steps. If the information is not received, proceed with processing without an applied disqualification and contact the Food Assistance Program manager.

Use the following criteria when setting the task:


Identified Changes

Key Process Considerations