Other Program Assistance (OPA) - Data Acceptance


The Other Program Assistance Detail page is used for adding or editing information needed for specific programs which do not have rules built into KEES.  For medical, this page is used for MediKanMediKan ReintegrationWORKSOBRA EmergencySOBRA-Family Medical, Processing QMB Start Date Exceptions, BCC and TB   eligibility information.


NOTE: If an Other Program Assistance (OPA) record maps in, users are not able to reject the Other Program Assistance record. Accept the record if the data is accurate; otherwise, adjust the data prior to accepting it.

To add or update an Other Program Assistance record for a case person(s):

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select Other Prog. Assist. from Task Navigation. The Other Program Assistance List page displays.

  2. Click the Edit button for the case person for which the New indicator is displayed. The Other Program Assistance Detail page displays. Information received through the e-Application may be newly reported or duplicated information.

    NOTE: Newly reported information is a new record. Duplicated information is a record reported for an already known record.