PACE to Temporary Stay in Network and Out of Network


NOTE: Change the consumer’s mailing and physical address to the facility’s address. See Contact Summary for information on updating an address.


  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Select LTC Data on the Task Navigation menu. The LTC Data List page displays.

  2. Click the Edit button for the current PACE record.

  3. Complete the PACE Information section with data from ES-3166 Notification of PACE Information.


Note: All information from ES-3166 needs to be entered in the LTC Data Details page. Do not enter information that is not on the ES-3166.



Note: The current or most recent temporary stay is documented in the PACE LTC Data Detail record. If the consumer has multiple temporary stays during the PACE record, previous information will need to be replaced. All living arrangements including temporary stays must also be recorded in the Journal.


  1. Click the Save and Return button. The LTC Data List page displays.


Note: Coding for Temporary stay do not change in PACE.


Reminder: Additional action is needed when a facility stay exceeds the temporary time limits.


5. Select Journal from Utility Navigation.  Record a Journal entry of the actions taken on the case.  See Journal for more information about journaling functionality.