PPS Case Summary Page Foster Care and Adoption Assistance


The child is always the Primary Applicant on a PPS Case. The Address for a child in foster care is the DCF contractor/agency. When an adoption is finalized the adoptive parents address is added.

An Adoption Assistance program block is added when the adoption process starts and remains in Pending Status until the adoption is finalized. The foster care program block will remain Active or Pending until adoption is final.

The Foster Care and Medical program block is registered with the application date the child was placed in foster care.   


A new Placement will display  every time a child changes placement and updates on the Foster Care program block from data collection pages.  


When a Discontinue date displays on the Foster Care program block it usually represents the day a child is considered no longer in Foster Care.  


In specific scenarios a child might return home but if returns to foster care < 6 months will show a continuous eligibility. Use the Status Reason on a Discontinued Foster Care program block to decipher a case.

The Medical program block may remain open longer than the Foster Care program block. PPS uses a 15/30 rule for timely closure of a Foster Care medical program block. If a child leaves foster care past the 15th of a month the medical will Discontinue effective the end of the following month.  


When a child is adopted the Aid Code will update to ASM.

A PPS Vendor Payments (VenPay) program block may or may not display on a PPS case summary. A Status of an PPS Vendor Payments (VenPay) program block does not have any impact on medical eligibility.