

The Pregnancy Detail page is where the user identifies if an individual is pregnant, delivered, or terminated and only needs to be completed when applicable. Pregnancies are identified on the Case Summary page under All People Associated with a Case.

To complete the Pregnancy page:

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation.  Select Pregnancy from Task Navigation.  The Pregnancy List page displays.

  2. Select Medical from the Program Type drop-down menu.

  3. Click the Add button. The Pregnancy Detail page displays.

  4. Select the consumer from the Mother’s Name drop-down menu.

    NOTE: When a boyfriend (adult) applies for his pregnant girlfriend (minor), his name needs to be selected in the Father drop-down on the Pregnancy Detail page if he is the father of the unborn. It is necessary to indicate that he is the father of the unborn in order for him to be eligible to apply on the girlfriend’s behalf.

  5. Select the Number of Unborn Children from the drop-down menu.

  6. Select a Verification Status from the drop-down menu in the Medical Verified field.

  7. Click the Save and Return button.

    NOTE: To update the Pregnancy Detail page, the user will want to edit the information and enter updated information in the Delivery/Termination Date field.