Self-Attestation (Consumer Statement)


Follow the steps below to enter a consumer’s statement of income for the Reasonable Compatibility Test.    

  1. In the context of the case, select Eligibility from the Global Navigation bar.

  2. Select Customer Information from the Local Navigation bar.

  3. Open the financial data pages by clicking on the + beside Financial from Task Navigation.

  4. Select Income from Task Navigation.

  5. On the Income List page, select the Program Type of Medical from the drop-down menu.  

  6. Select the appropriate Income Category from the drop-down menu. See KEES Medical Income Values for more information.

  7. Click the Add button to navigate to the Income Detail page.

  8. On the Income Detail page select the Consumer receiving the income using the Name drop-down menu.

  9. Select the Wages using the Type drop-down menu.  

  10. Select the appropriate Frequency from the drop-down menu.

NOTE: If the consumer reports an hourly rate of pay and a weekly amount of hours, use Weekly for the Frequency.  

  1. Under the Income Amounts section, select the appropriate Program from the Display Programs drop-down menu and click the Add button.  The Income Amount Detail page displays.  

  2. Enter the gross income in the Amount text box.

  3. Enter the number of Hours worked in the next text box.

  4. Enter the Hourly Wage in the corresponding text box.

NOTE: The Count in Average field defaults to Yes.  

  1. Click the Calculate button.  The Calculate button populates the:

  1. Review the data to ensure that it matches the consumer’s statement.  If the information is correct, click the Use button.   

  2. Enter the Begin Date using mm/dd/yyyy or the Calendar Icon.  

  3. Select Pending from the Verified drop-down menu.  

  4. Select Consumer Statement from the Source drop-down menu.  

  5. Click the Save and Return button.  The Income Detail page displays.  

  6. Click the Save and Return button.  The Income List page displays.