Shortening a Base Period When Changing Coverage to a Different Program Type


The following process should be used when changing coverage to a different program type. This should only be used if the person has been approved on the new aid code and the spenddown was not shortened in KMMS the next day.


Note: When changing coverage from MDN to MKN/RI the following does not apply.  


Example 1:  Consumer has a spenddown base period of 01/2023 – 06/2023. Consumer becomes eligible for LTC (or SSI) coverage beginning 03/10. This requires the user to shorten the base period.


To Shorten the Base Period

This process assumes the worker has already added and updated all required Non-Financial and Financial pages and changed the RMT to reflect the change in coverage type.

  1. Run EDBC beginning with the first month of the already established spenddown base period, January. See Running EDBC  for detailed steps.

NOTE: If necessary, select Yes for a Timely Notice Exception and a Reason of LTC Late Change. This is required for all changes involving LTC. In most other instances, a timely notice exception is not required.

  1. Click the Medical hyperlink with a Run Status of Not Accepted on the EDBC List page. The Medical EDBC Summary page displays.

  2. On the Medical EDBC Summary page click the Eligible Budgets hyperlink to review the Details including start and end dates.

NOTE: If the dates are incorrect, and the change is due to a LTC stay the information on the LTC Data Detail page should be reviewed and corrected prior to accepting the EDBC result. If the change is due to the consumer becoming SSI eligible the Medical Condition and the Income data page(s) should be reviewed and corrected prior to running and accepting EDBC.

  1. Click the Close button to close the window. The Medical EDBC Summary page displays.

  2. Click the Accept button if the EDBC Result is correct. The EDBC List page displays.

  3. Click the Save and Continue button.

  4. Continue to Run EDBC in chronological order through the current come up month. Review the EDBC result then save and accept if correct.

Note: EDBC must be run beginning with the first month of the previously established Spenddown base period in order through the current come up month to accurately shorten the Spenddown.  


NOTE: If necessary, select Yes for a Timely Notice Exception and a Reason of LTC Late Change. This is not needed for shortening a spenddown base period but may be needed to remove a spouse from a spenddown.

  1. Review system generated notices for accuracy, if necessary, see Manual NOA Generation for detailed steps on sending the notifications.

  2. Create a Journal entry documenting the changes.