The Review batch runs for all households with a Review due the following month. Mixed households (those with Passive and Pre-Populated Review types) have a Soft EDBC run on the program. Staff are not able to manually generate a Soft EDBC result, it can only be generated by batch.

The EDBC Run Reason is RE Soft EDBC. The Type is Read Only (remember that a Read Only EDBC does not send benefits to KMMS) and the Type Reason is RE Soft EDBC.

The intent of a Soft EDBC is to see if anyone is going to lose coverage and to then be used as a tool to assist staff when consumers call in with questions about their coverage at Review time. Consumers may not understand why some members need to return the Pre-Populated Review form and others do not. Workers can view the Soft EDBC Result to easily see which members are set to be discontinued and for what reason.

To view a Soft EDBC Result, follow the steps in EDBC Results (