Tax - Family Medical


The Tax Detail page is used to determine each consumer’s individual budgeting unit.  Also see: Two People Claiming Same Tax Dependent - Family Medical

Complete the following steps:

  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Open the financial data pages by clicking on the + beside Financial from Task Navigation. Select Tax from Task Navigation. The Tax List page displays.

  2. Click the Add button. The Tax Detail page displays.

  3. Select the case person filing taxes from the Name drop-down menu.

  4. Select a value from the Verified drop-down menu.

  5. Select the appropriate filing status from the Filing Status drop-down menu.

    NOTE: Additional fields may display based on the selected Filing Status. Complete all other required fields as needed.

  6. Enter the Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

    NOTE: Use the first day of the application month or first day of prior Medical month as the Begin Date.

  7. Add Tax Dependents if applicable:

    NOTE: Do not use the fields listed below.  If data is present in either field, remove it.  If data isn't removed from these fields the family will receive a Pre-populated Review.  

  1. Click the Save and Add Another button to add additional records. Otherwise, click the Save and Return button.