A usable case number must contain Medical program blocks only, and must have an appropriate Case Head for the application in question. There are four Medical program blocks: Medical, Presumptive Eligibility, ADAP, and SSPP.
The Foster Care and Adoption Medical Programs will always be on their own case number.
Presumptive Eligibility will always be on their own program block; however, they can share a case number with other medical programs.
Medical cases can only have a single ADAP Program block, each additional request for ADAP will require a separate case.
The PPS Vendor Payments program block is non-program specific and can be added to any existing Medical case number.
A Case Head is the owner of the case. A Case Head can never be removed; therefore, if they are not in the home, their case should not be used for an incoming application. The Case Head will be the person whose name displays in the banner at the top of the page while the user is in the context of a case, next to Case Name.
NOTE: Not all companion cases are being set automatically when the Case Head is the same on two or more cases. Staff should utilize the Person View page to determine if the individual is associated to any additional cases.
Is the Primary Applicant a Case Head on an existing KEES case?
If Yes, go to STEP 2.
If No, go to STEP 3.
Is the consumer a Case Head on more than one Medical case number?
If Yes, go to STEP 4.
If No, go to STEP 5.
Is the Primary Applicant’s spouse a Case Head on an existing KEES case?
If Yes, go to STEP 7.
If No, go to STEP 8.
Do any cases have an active Medical program block?
If Yes, go to STEP 6.
If No, go to STEP 9.
Use the existing Medical case number, then determine if the user has a Usable Program Block.
If only one case number has an active program – add the program to that case number. If both case numbers have active program blocks – add the program to the case number with the most history. Proceed to Usable Program Block.
Is the consumer’s spouse a Case Head on more than one Medical case number?
If Yes, go to STEP 4.
If No, go to STEP 5.
Register a new case using the Primary Applicant as the Case Head. See New Case e-Application Registration or New Case Manual Application Registration for instruction on registering a new case.
Use the Medical case with the most recent history, then determine if the user has a Usable Program Block.