The following fields should be completed on the Non-Citizenship page based on the information received from the VLP Interface.
Date of Entry: Enter date received from the VLP Interface.
Section Code: Enter the Section Code from the VLP Interface. If Section Code is unavailable leave the defaulted code.
Initial SAVE Status: Select the appropriate status that corresponds to the VLP Interface response.
If a Step 2 request is needed, update this field to Institute Additional Verification.
Secondary SAVE Status: When applicable select the appropriate status that corresponds to the VLP Interface response.
If a Step 3 request is needed, update this field to Institute Additional Verification.
Tertiary SAVE Status: When applicable, select the appropriate status that corresponds to the VLP Interface response.
Verified: This field indicates that the VLP Interface ran successfully and verified the consumer's immigration status. It does not indicate if the consumer is a Qualifying Non-Citizen.
This field may be set to Verified by the Interface; if t isn't and the Interface did verify the consumer's immigration status the user should manually update the field from Pending to Verified.