When a minor mother gives birth to a child while receiving Foster Care Medical, that child needs to be authorized for Medicaid Deemed Newborn coverage on a new separate case number. KEES will not authorize coverage for the Deemed Newborn because the new case number has no adult caretakers on the case.
Example: A minor is receiving FCM and an Add Newborn request is received via phone at the KanCare Clearinghouse. The minor mother has a new case number created with herself and the newborn as the only case members. Only the newborn is placed in a Pending status in the MAGI program block. The child is eligible for PLN/DN coverage; however, EDBC will deny the newborn for ‘Invalid Primary Applicant’.
Note: Step one assumes the worker has set up the new case number and entered all information necessary for the EDBC to be run on the case. The worker is on the Case Summary page.
STEP 1: Click the Eligibility tab in the Global Navigation bar.
STEP 2: Click the Customer Information tab in the Local Navigation bar.
STEP 3: Locate and click on the Individual Demographics page in Task Navigation, under the Non-Financial section.
STEP 4: In the list of case members click the Edit button next to the minor mother’s record.
STEP 5: Enter the date the case is being processed into the Emancipation Date field. A dynamic field called Revocation Date will display, do not enter a value into this field.
STEP 6: Click the Save and Return button to return to the Individual Demographics List page.
STEP 7: Click on Run EDBC in Task Navigation.
STEP 8: Check the box next to the program block and click the Run EDBC button.
STEP 9: Locate the EDBC result that was just run and click the program hyperlink to view the EDBC results.
STEP 10: Review the EDBC to ensure that the child is being approved for PLN/DN coverage and the minor mother is listed as a FRI in the Program Configuration.
STEP 11: Click the Accept button to navigate back to the EDBC List page.
STEP 12: Click the Save and Continue button to navigate back to the Case Summary page.
STEP 13: Click on the Individual Demographics page in the Non-Financial section of Task Navigation.
STEP 14: Again, locate the minor mother’s record on the Individual Demographics List page and click the Edit button.
STEP 15: Remove (do not end date) the date that was entered into the Emancipated Date field.
STEP 16: Click the Save and Return button.