WA589 Interest/Dividends/Investments not counting correctly in EDBC


NOTE: Step 1 assumes the worker has filled out all the necessary Data Collection pages and is following the standard process to add or edit an income record.

Interest/Dividends/Investments not counting correctly in EDBC

  1. If the consumer has multiple Interest/Dividends/Investments that total more than $50 staff will need to combine them into a single dollar amount.

  2. Create only 1 Interest/Dividends/Investments record using the single dollar amount found in step 1.

  3. Copy and paste the following into the description field:

Interest, Dividends, and Investments greater than $50 combined into one record per WA589.

  1. Click Save and Continue.

  2. Run EDBC for the months needed and verify that the Interest/Dividends/Investments income was budgeted correctly.

  3. Include in the journal that WA589 was used and clearly document the multiple resources as they were entered as 1 record.


NOTE:  If the case already has an existing income record(s), staff will need to end date the existing Interest/Dividends/Investments record(s) for the end of the month prior to the month changes or new benefits are effective.  The new combined record will then have a begin date of the first day of the month the changes or new benefits are effective.