WA 593 Ukraine Refugee /Afghan Evacuees Eligibility


When workers encounter non-citizens with the following designation:


This Workaround shall be completed when EDBC shows a consumer with a status reason of Ineligible Non-Citizen is received.

  1. Cancel EDBC.

  2. Staff will need to set up a Citizenship/ID record.

  3. Set the answer Yes to the question Was this person born in a US State/Territory?

  4. Set the U.S. Citizenship and Identity Verification documentation type to Written Affidavit.

  5. Set the record to Verified.

  6. Click Save and Continue.

  7. Staff will need to navigate back to the Non-Citizenship record and set the USCIS Document to Resident of American Samoa.

  8. County of Citizenship should be set to:

    1. For Ukraine Refugees Ukraine should be selected.

    2. For Afghan Evacuees Afghanistan should be selected.

  9. Set the Non-Citizenship Record to Verified.

  10. Staff should ensure that there is no Initial SAVE Status.

  11. Enter the first day of the month of processing in the Begin Date field.

  12. Click Save and Continue.

  13. Navigate to the Run EDBC screen.

  14. Run EDBC for the months requested and verify that EDBC is no longer denying for Ineligible Non-Citizenship.

  15. Click Save and Continue.

  16. Ensure all notices are sent as appropriate.

  17. Staff will need to Copy and Paste the following into the journal:

    1. Ukraine Refugee. Ukrainian refugees are eligible for Medicaid and are no longer subject to the 5 year bar. WA593 has been applied.

    2. Afghan Evacuees. Afghan Evacuees are eligible for Medicaid and are no longer subject to the 5 year bar. WA593 has been applied.

NOTE: If the EDBC fails for any other reason other than Ineligible Non-Citizen staff will need to research the case and determine if it is appropriate.