WA 661 - Secondary Motor Vehicle Not Counted in EDBC


This WA is to be used when a consumer is eligible for coverage when they have a primary and secondary motor vehicle and the secondary vehicle should be countable as a resource but is not counted in EDBC. Follow the below steps for an approval:

  1. Staff should navigate to the Resources page.

  2. Staff should add a Medical liquid resource and click Add.

  3. Select the Bank Accounts/Cash type from the Liquid Resource Type drop-down menu.

  4. Select Cash as the resource description from the Description drop-down menu.

  5. Enter the value of the secondary motor vehicle in the Current Value field.

  6. Set the record to Verified and click Save and Return.

  7. Staff should run EDBC for the appropriate benefit month.

  8. Staff should ensure the countable resources are correct, if the EDBC results are correct, staff should click Accept.

  9. Click Save and Continue.

  10. Ensure the NOA is correct.

  11. Staff should then send the case to their supervisor for the removal of the cash record that was previously created.

  12. Staff should journal the actions taken and that WA661 was used.


The following steps should be taken when the secondary vehicle would put the consumer over the resource limit and will result in a denial.

  1. Staff should navigate to Negative Action page.

  2. Select the correct benefit month.

  3. Select the checkbox next to the consumers name.

  4. Staff should use a Negative Action Reason of voluntary withdrawal.

  5. Click Run EDBC.

  6. Select the EDBC results for the benefit month that was just ran.

  7. Click Accept.

  8. Click Save and Continue.

  9. Delete the system generated NOA.

  10. Staff should create a manual NOA using the standard copy and paste tool.

  11. Staff should journal the actions taken and that WA661 was used.