Wrong Case Head - Medical - Troubleshooting Registration

  1. Consumers were registered/file cleared out of order and the case head is wrong. What do I do?
    1. In the New Application Registration Person Search process, the first person entered in the Registration Person Search is automatically promoted to the case head at case creation. If:

    •  Consumers were not file cleared in the correct order a new case may need to be created with an appropriate case head.

    • A program block was added to the case a negative action needs to be completed to discontinue the program.

      1. From the Case Summary page, select Negative Action from Task Navigation.

      2. On the Negative Action Detail page select the Person check box(es) on the program block and a Negative Action Reason of Application Opened in Error.

      3. Run EDBC for the application month. This discontinues the program block on the case. When creating the new case with the appropriate case head, the consumers are already known to KEES.

      4. When the first person (case head) is file cleared, continue through the registration process to the Previous Case List page.

      5. Select the other case persons and click the Create New Case button. This generates a new case number with the first file cleared consumer as the case head and the other individuals as case persons.