10030 Provider Enrollment and Monitoring -
See Policy Memo #01-03-03 re: "Child Care Provider Agreement Denial or Termination".
10031 Licensed and Unregulated Legally Exempt Providers - Certain regulated and unregulated legally exempt child care providers may be enrolled by DCF to receive payment for services provided for DCF eligible children. Provider enrollment must be approved before a child care plan can be authorized. See 7600 and 10100.
The Agreement for Purchase of DCF Child Care, is an official agreement between the child care provider and the State to document a relationship has been formed. (Refer to Appendix.) The effective date and end date of the provider enrollment shall be indicated on the Agreement.
All licensed providers requesting enrollment must have a current permanent license. Providers with Temporary Permits are not eligible for enrollment. For initial enrollment, providers must not be under any enforcement action through KDHE. (Refer to 10100.)
The effective date of the provider enrollment will be based on the date of request as long as all other provider approval criteria are met. The date of request may be the date a child care subsidy application is received requesting the provider, date of verbal request for work program participants, or the date the agency receives provider enrollment paperwork requesting to do business with the agency. It is recommended that effective dates of enrollment not be backdated more than 30 days from the date the provider enrollment paperwork is submitted.
The provider enrollment may be terminated by Regional staff when a change in status occurs. Change in status may affect the license or financial status, and/or may include a name change, address change, Federal Employer Identification Number change, social security number change, change from one to another regulated category (licensed, group home or center). When a change in status occurs that does not effect the provider's eligibility to do business with the agency (i.e., - name change on license but no lapse in licensure), circumstances should be documented and efforts should be made to update paperwork without a lapse in service.
If a child care provider has facilities at multiple locations in the state, enrollment for all sites is completed in the county where the main office is located. The system may be accessed to verify provider enrollment. See 10032 and 10033 for enrollment requirements.
Background checks will be completed on all providers at application and review.
If the provider changes rates, a Rate Modification form needs to be completed. A new enrollment form can be accepted in lieu of the Rate Modification Form. The Provider will also need to submit an updated Parent Provider Agreement for review.
NOTE: DCF can make payment to federal Head Start programs if they provide an extended child care program and are licensed by KDHE or the state they operate in. (See 10021.1 (8).) Due to the unique nature of some federal Head Start programs, coordination will be necessary between the local DCF service center and the Head Start agency to complete enrollment in the DCF Child Care Subsidy Program.