3300 Activities - This section contains the general characteristics of work program activities.

Assignment to activities should be employment focused with client goals and family needs taken into consideration. Information gained from the Self-Assessment and career/skills assessments should provide the basis for collaboration between the career navigator, the client and DCF community partners or work program activity providers.  See the individual activities for clarification. A client should never be assigned to work activities in excess of 40 hours per week.


3300.1 Employment Services Activity Monitoring and Verification Requirements - Employment Services progress reviews should occur as needed, but no less than once every 6 months. The progress review must document that the client and the career navigator have discussed the progress made toward self-sufficiency since the last review.  


The case record must contain documentation of all hours reported for work participation. Paid employment must be documented by pay stubs, timecards, sign-in/sign-out sheets, rosters with recorded hours of work, or other acceptable verification.


Non-employment activities must be documented by time sheets, service provider attendance records, school attendance records, or other acceptable verification.


Internal controls ensure compliance with these procedures.


  1. TANF Requirements - Kansas employs a Sample Reporting Methodology for TANF work participation. All actual hours of work activities must be supervised, verified, and documented in order to count in the work participation rate.  

    With the exception of the Physical Health Care activity (which includes physical and mental health), clients placed in non-countable activities that don’t count towards federal participation should be placed in a corresponding Primary activity whenever possible.

    Documented supervised study time and un-supervised study time up to an hour for each hour of scheduled class time may count for work participation. The total of supervised (time spent in class) and un-supervised (time spent out of class) study time may not exceed the hours required by the educational program for successful completion of the course.

    A client should never be assigned to work activities in excess of 40 hours per week.

  2. Food Assistance Mandatory E&T Requirements - Clients are eligible for 1 hour of study time for each hour of scheduled class time.

    A client should never be assigned to work activities in excess of 30 hours per week.

3300.2  Job Skills Training/Education Directly Related to Employment/ Attendance at Secondary School Review Guidelines

The following review guidelines are applicable to all education/training activities:

Frequent contact with clients and adult education providers or other providers is of key importance. Monitoring of actual attendance with the provider should be obtained and documented in the case record monthly. These activities require daily supervision which means daily oversight of the client’s participation, not necessarily daily in-person contact.

The evaluation process will result in a decision regarding the continuation of the activity or any changes necessary to effectively address the client's goals.

Support for these activities may be denied if the client does not attend classes as scheduled; or make satisfactory progress toward completing the course of study in a reasonable documented time frame based on the individual’s situation. Exceptions to this policy require supervisory approval and must be extensively documented in the case record.

3300.3 Job Skills Training/Education Directly Related to Employment/Attendance at Secondary School Authorization Guidelines -


It is necessary to authorize these activities in order to:

No payments for supportive services or costs for approved activity may be issued for months prior to the month for which the activity was approved.

A review of client attendance records and progress shall be made prior to approval of supportive services.

Educational/training activities should be offered to a client if available and the assessment indicates that these activities would be appropriate. Participation in prior work program activities may provide useful information on the client's ability to succeed in these activities.

Institutions offering correspondence or On-Line Distance Learning courses must provide a method of documenting attendance and progress toward timely course completion through daily supervision.

Examples of approvable short-term job focused and skill specific training/vocational education may include:

A determination that training is inappropriate, unrealistic, or unnecessary at any point in the process would be adequate basis to deny the training request.

The following criteria must be documented to authorize/approve training activities:

  1. TANF Authorization Guidelines - Short-term, job-focused, and skill specific college courses are approvable, including courses directed toward an associate's degree, and a bachelor’s degree.

    Client should be willing to relocate if necessary.

    NOTE: Plans approved by Rehabilitation Services (RS), WIOA, or the Kansas Foster Child Educational Assistance Act of Foster Care Tuition Waiver Program or the Work Force Development Loan Program may be approved activities for work program participation.

  2. Food Assistance Mandatory E&T Authorization Guidelines - Short-term, job-focused, and skill specific college courses are approvable unless the client is working toward an associate or bachelor's degree.  If the client is working toward a degree, they would need to meet student criteria unless they start the college courses after meeting with a career navigator and it is part of their Self-Sufficiency Agreement.