3340 Food Assistance Mandatory Employment and Training (E&T) Activities - These activities provide valuable services to clients and activity designations are used to help Employment Services staff monitor caseload activity. The purpose of these activities is to assist clients with gaining the skills needed to find and maintain employment. All Mandatory Employment and Training (E&T) participants must receive case management plus one or more of the following countable activities.
Countable activities for Mandatory Employment and Training (E&T) consist of: English Language Acquisition, Supervised Job Search, Job Search Training, Job Retention, Basic/Foundational Skills Instruction, Career/Technical Education Programs and Education Program Details other. There are other non-countable activities listed below that are tracked for ABAWDs participating in the Mandatory Employment and Training (E&T) program.
Activities cannot be assigned for over 30 hours per week or 120 hours per month. Two activities have a limited number of hours they can be assigned for in order to meet ABAWD requirements. Those activities are Supervised Job Search and Job Search Training.
3340.1 Assessment for Food Assistance Mandatory Employment and Training (E&T) - This activity should be used for a client participating in the assessment process. Initial assessments (Self Assessment, ONet* (Department of Labor Interest Profiler or My Next Move), etc.) should be completed when possible in a face-to-face private meeting with the career navigator. The client can be placed in the assessment activity for one hour. After completing the Self Assessment, the initial Self-Sufficiency Agreement and O*Net Interest Profiler the client can be moved into case management.
3340.2 Case Management for Food Assistance Mandatory Employment (E&T) - The purpose of case management services is to guide the participant towards appropriate E&T components and activities based on the participant's needs and interests, support the participant in the E&T program, and to provide activities and resources that help the participant achieve program goals. Case management services and activities must directly support an individual's participation in the E&T program.
Clients should be placed in the Case Management activity for 0 hours unless the client is participating in case management for 1 or more hours per week. Time spent in case management is countable towards the 30 hour per week participation requirement.
3340.3 Supervised Job Search (SJS) for Food Assistance Mandatory Employment and Training (E&T) - This activity is for work ready clients and is available statewide. Supervised Job Search can be provided by career navigators or through E&T providers who offer this activity.
Clients must complete an ONet* assessment prior to being placed in this activity. Career Navigators are required to provide meaningful guidance and support with at least monthly check-ins. All Job Search must be supervised. Job Search and Job Search Training may only be used for 19 or fewer hours per week to meet ABAWD requirements. All Job Search must be supervised. Job Search and Job Search Training may only be used for 19 or fewer hours per week to meet ABAWD requirements.
Supervision Requirement: Daily supervision means daily oversight of the client’s participation, not necessarily daily in-person contact.
Documentation requirement: Monthly. Due by the 6th of the following month.
3340.4 Job Search Training for Food Assistance Mandatory Employment and Training (E&T) - This activity is for clients who need additional assistance to prepare for employment. It may consist of employability assessments, training in techniques to increase employability, job placement services, or other direct training or support activities. This includes resume classes and interviewing training. These programs may be in person or online and are available statewide. They may require a referral to a provider. Examples of classes/trainings which meet the criteria are the Skills to Succeed online program through Goodwill and the resume prep/interviewing classes through the Workforce Center. Job Search and Job Search Training may only be used for 19 or fewer hours per week to meet ABAWD requirements.
Documentation requirement: Monthly. Due by the 6th of the following month.
3340.5 Job Retention (JR) for Food Assistance Mandatory Employment and Training (E&T) - Retention services are limited to 90 days after employment begins. It can only be used if the client has obtained employment or a promotion after the assessment has been completed and the client has already participated in another Food Assistance Mandatory E&T activity. The purpose of this activity is to assist clients in maintaining employment. It may include case management, job coaching, dependent care assistance and transportation assistance.
3340.6 Satisfactory Attendance at a Secondary School or in a GED Program for Food Assistance Mandatory Employment and Training (E&T) - This activity should be used for clients participating in regular attendance at a Secondary School or in a course of study leading to a high school diploma or a certificate of General Equivalence (GED).
This activity is for clients who are work ready but in need of a high school diploma or GED. These services are available statewide through in person or online high school completion and GED programs.
Documentation requirement: Monthly. Due by the 6th of the following month.
3340.7 Volunteer/In Kind Employment for Food Assistance Mandatory Employment and Training (E&T) - This activity is not an E&T Activity. It is used to track In-Kind or Volunteer Work and cannot be counted towards the 30 hour participation requirement.
3340.8 Employment for Food Assistance Mandatory Employment and Training (E&T) - This activity is not an E&T Activity. It is used to track Full or Part-time Employment (including self-employment) and cannot be counted towards the 30 hour participation requirement.
3340.9 Career/Technical Education Programs (EPC) for Food Assistance Mandatory Employment and Training (E&T) - This activity is for clients who are ready to work and interested in obtaining additional education or credentials to improve their employability. It should be used to track hours for clients participating in an organized educational program that is directly related to the client’s preparation for current or emerging jobs. This includes training or education to provide a client with the ability to obtain, advance, or adapt to employment. These programs may be in person or online and are available statewide. They may require a referral to a provider.
Documentation requirement: Monthly. Due by the 6th of the following month.
3340.10 Education Program Details Other (EPO) for Food Assistance Mandatory Employment and Training (E&T) - This activity is for clients who would benefit from other workplace skills beyond those offered in Job Search Training. It should be used for clients participating in WorkReady Certificate Preparation and Testing or Essential Ed online training. These programs may be in person or online and are available statewide. They may require a referral to a provider.
Documentation requirement: Monthly. Due by the 6th of the following month.