Adding a Resource - Family Medical


  1. Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Open the financial data pages by clicking on the + beside Financial from Task Navigation. Select Resource from Task Navigation. The Resource List page displays.  

  2. Select Medical using the Program Type drop-down menu.

  3. Select one of the following options using the drop-down for Resource Category:

    • Liquid

    • Motor Vehicle

    • Real Property

    • Transferred Property/Income (not available in Phase 2)

    NOTE: See KEES Medical Resource Values for more information.

  4. Click the Add button.

  5. Select the Type of Resource from the Type of Resource drop-down menu.

  6. Select the Resource Owner(s) Name using the Owner(s) drop-down menu.

    NOTE: For Liquid Resources all owners own 100% of the resource.  For Real Property an owner can own a portion of the property.  The total ownership of a Real Property cannot exceed 100%.

  7. In the Begin Date field, enter the first day of the first month the resource is counted for eligibility using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

    NOTE: For Liquid Resources and Real Property continue to STEP 8 and for Motor Vehicle skip to STEP 14.

  8. Select the Resource Type from the Liquid Resource Type or Real Property Type drop-down menu. See KEES Medical Resource Values for more information.

  9. Select a description from the Description drop-down menu.  

  10. Enter the resource’s current countable value in the Current Value or Value field.

    NOTE: Compute the resource net values off system. Do not enter any information in the Income Exempt as a Resource block, it is not functional.

  11. Enter Financial Institution details for all Liquid Resources.  For Real Property select Yes or No using the Listed for Sale drop-down menu.

  12. Click the radio button for the appropriate Property Address; or click the Add Address button to enter a New Property Address.  

  13. Continue to STEP 23.

  14. Enter the vehicle’s Model Year in the Year field.

    NOTE: Vehicles that converted from KAECSES without a known year, display a Year of 1900.  Users should obtain the correct vehicle Model Year at next review and update the record accordingly.

  15. Enter the vehicle’s Model in the Model field, if available.

  16. Enter the vehicle’s Make in the Make field, if available.

  17. Select the Motor Vehicle Type using the drop-down menu. See KEES Medical Resource Values for more information.

  18. Enter a Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  19. Select the Fair Market Value Source using the drop-down menu.  If a vehicle is greater than 7 years old, select Other and use the values of $100.00.

  20. Enter the current countable value in the Fair Market Value field.

  21. Use the Registered in Kansas drop-down menu to select Yes or N.

  22. Select a Status/Usage Code using the drop-down menu.

  23. If the consumer has more than one vehicle selecting the Count as Most Valuable Vehicle (Medical only) check box exempts that vehicle at EDBC. Only one vehicle should be selected.

  24. Select the appropriate value using the Verified drop-down menu.

  25. Click the Save and Add Another button to add additional Resource Category records. Otherwise, click the Save and Return button.

    NOTE: On the Resource Detail page the field for Encumbrance is not being used by rules to determine the value of the resource.  The user should enter the current countable value of the resource in the Current Value or Value fields.  The user entered value is what EDBC uses when determining eligibility.