Dispatch 1232018

All Programs

KEES Availability this Weekend

Saturday 1/27: 8am-8pm

Sunday 1/28: 1pm-6pm


Medical Programs

SSP Account Linked to the Wrong Case

When linking an SSP e-Application to a case number through registration, SSP accounts are automatically linked to the case number. This is important because if staff link the e-App to the wrong case number, relinking the e-App to the correct case number will not move the SSP account that has also been linked to the wrong case. This creates the potential for a possible HIPAA violation, as leaving the SSP account linked to the wrong case will grant the wrong consumer access to case information that does not belong to them.


Therefore, when relinking the e-App to the correct case, staff should also review the “All SSP Users Linked to This Case” section of the Case Summary page to determine if the SSP account linked to the case is correct. If it needs to be removed staff will need to submit a ticket to the KEES Help Desk to have the SSP account delinked from the wrong case number.



Medical Processing Deadlines

Processing Deadlines - Fiscal Year 2018


Non-Medical Programs

Copy Functionality

Copy functionality exists on the Income Amount Detail page and the Child Schedule Detail page. This functionality can be used when Child Support or a School Schedule applies to more than 1 child on the same program block.


Manual EDBC

Underpayments need to be applied as appropriate to programs that were processed by mistake with the incorrect Beginning Date of Aid. Once an application is processed, the only way to give the consumer additional benefits due to an incorrect proration date is through Manual EDBC. Staff need to create an off system budget and issue the underpayment through Manual EDBC. The User Manual will be updated to reflect this scenario. See Manual EDBC found under EDBC – Non-Medical in the KEES User Manual for detailed steps.


Viewing Historical Records

KEES allows the user to view records from a specific date range of history on most data collection List pages. It may also be necessary to expand the date range in the Journal and on the Distributed Documents Search page to view a complete history of information.


From the Search Results Summary section of a List page:

  1. Enter the first day KEES should return in the From field using the <mm/dd/yyy> format or the calendar icon.

  2. Enter the last day KEES should return in the To field, using the <mm/dd/yyy> format or the calendar icon.

  3. Click the View button. Data records matching the date range entered display.


Non-Medical Processing Deadlines

DCF 2018 Processing Deadlines can be found on the DCF Intranet under Policy and Procedures.


Contact Us

Call Center Phone Number: 844-723-5337

KEES Help Desk

KEES Tier 1 (Access Issues Only)

KEES Repository    KEES Medical User Manual     KEES Non-Medical User Manual