Change Reported |
Task Name |
Address or other Contact Information |
Contact Info Change |
End Coverage |
End/Close Request |
Add Newborn |
Add Newborn |
Add Person |
Request For Coverage |
Household |
Process Change |
Authorized Representative |
Expense |
Other |
Click the Images button. The PDF of the reported change displays in Perceptive Content.
Click the e-Change hyperlink located in the Task Detail. The e-Change Summary page displays.
Click the Process e-Change button. The Previous Case List page displays.
Click the radio button for the desired Case Number.
Click the Select button. The e-Change Summary page displays with the Case Number and Case Name displaying in the Associated Cases section.
Click the Case Number hyperlink. The Case Summary page displays.
Review the e-Change Summary page and PDF document to determine which changes have been reported.
Process the reported changes to the case. See Add a Program Person – Medical, E&D Non-Financial Data Collection – Medical, FM Non-Financial Data Collection – Medical, E&D Financial Data Collection Medical and/or FM Financial Data Collection Medical for detailed steps.
Review Perceptive Content to ensure the e-Change PDF is associated with the correct case number. If needed, Re-Index to the correct case.
Complete a Journal entry.
Complete the task.
When a consumer submits a change through the SSP, KEES automatically creates and images a PDF version of the change(s) to the Medical Report a Change document type as well as a ‘Change’ task for the Administrative queue.
Access the Task Inventory page and click the ‘Change’ task hyperlink to claim the task.
Click the Images button from the Task Detail window to view the PDF of changes associated to the task.
Click the e-Change Summary hyperlink from the Task Detail window to navigate to e-Change Summary page.
Click the Process e-Change button from the e-Change Summary page.
NOTE: If processing an e-Change to add a person to a program, the Application Intake page will display to add the person as a Case Person.
If the change is for a new address, add the new address in KEES.
Complete the KEES Tasks with a Status Reason of KDHE - Being Worked.
Claim all KEES tasks for the case.
Process the task(s). This includes adding an additional program people, completing the collateral contact process, taking all necessary case actions and re-indexing uploaded documents to the appropriate document type in the Case-No Task basket if needed.
NOTE: The PDF of the reported change should be re-indexed from the SSP Uploaded Document document type to the Correspondence document type.
Complete the task using the appropriate status reason from below and click the Complete button.
KDHE – Being Worked: Change is processed and a determination is given
KDHE – Pending: Change cannot be fully processed and a determination is not given
Shared Data is when a data collection page in KEES has one data field used by both DCF and KDHE to collect information and determine eligibility.
Communication between agencies is required when certain data is created, updated or changed in KEES.
The e-Change status on the e-Change Summary page displays as Received when a change is submitted from the SSP. The e-Change status flips to In Progress when the e-Change is linked to a case number and to Processed after running EDBC.