This worksheet is completed to determine the income and resources of the AFDC household. Information on this page is used to complete the Household Linkage Information section on the Custody Authority – FCED page. The form calculates the gross and adjusted income.
NOTE: It is recommended that this page be completed before you complete the FCED page to have information available to answer questions.
Click the Generate Form button in the top right corner of the FCED page. The AFDC-FC/U Worksheet displays.
Enter the Child’s Name.
Case Number is pre-populated.
Enter the Eligibility Month/Year.
Enter the County of Court Jurisdiction.
Enter the AFDC Group Size.
Enter 185% of the Standard of Need for the AFDC group size and shared/non-shared living in the Living Arrangement field. The value must be numerical.
Enter the 100% Need Standard using Appendix-A: Kansas AFDC Need Standards Effective July 16, 1996.
Enter the 185% Need Standard using Appendix-A: Kansas AFDC Need Standards Effective July 16, 1996.
Enter the values in Section A: 185% Need Standard, numbers 1-8, as applicable. Total income is calculated.
Verify the correct box is marked in the Gross Income Eligible section.
Enter the Values in Section B: 100% Need Standard numbers 1 through 8, as applicable. Total adjusted Income is calculated.
NOTE: If number 3. 30 and 1/3 Exemption is applicable, click the Yes button.
Verify the correct value is marked in the Financially Eligible? section.
Enter values in Section 2: Resources, a- j, as applicable.
Mark the appropriate verification boxes. Additional comments may be added.
Print the form and Image the document to the case.