Select Eligibility from Global Navigation. Select Customer Information from Local Navigation. Click the + beside Child Care from Task Navigation to open the Child Care data collection pages. Select Child Schedule List from Task Navigation. The Child Schedule List page displays.
Click the Add button. The Child Schedule Detail page displays.
Select the child’s Name from the drop-down menu.
Select Yes from the School Age drop-down menu.
NOTE: Selecting Yes from the School Age drop-down menu indicates that this schedule is only to be taken into consideration for the school months and allows the additional days out of school to be added to the calculated hours determination.
Enter the name of the child’s School.
Select the school schedule Start Time from the drop-down menus. A selection must be made from the minutes’ drop-down menu even when the Start Time is on the hour. For example, 8:00 AM: select 8 from the hour place, 00 from the minute place and AM from the drop-down menu.
Select the school schedule End Time from the drop-down menus. A selection must be made from the minutes’ drop-down menu even when the End Time is on the hour. For example, 4:00 PM: select 4 from the hour place, 00 from the minute place and PM from the drop-down menu.
Using the check boxes, select the Days of the Week that the child is in school.
Enter the Begin Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon. This is the first day of the first month the schedule starts or the first day of the application month.
Click Save and Return, Save and Add Another, or Save and Copy.
NOTE: Save and Copy creates a copy of the Child Schedule Detail page without a Name selected. This button should be used when there is more than one child in the family with the same schedule.