Case Administrative Role History

The Case Administrative Role History report displays a history of current and historic administrative roles for each program on a case or all cases where a person with the selected client ID holds an administrative role.

This report should be run as needed.

*  Indicates required fields

To access a Workload report:

  1. Select Reports from Global Navigation. The Local Navigation defaults to On Request and the Report Search page displays.
  2. Select Workload from Task Navigation to display the list of available Workload reports and a description of each report.
  3. Click the Report Name hyperlink for Case Administrative Role History.  The Report Parameters page displays.
  4. Enter the Case Number and/or Client ID parameter value(s), as needed to limit the amount of returned data.
  5. Select PDF or XLSX from the Report Format* drop-down menu.
  6. Click the OK button.

    NOTE: Reports can take some time to generate and do not indicate they are running after clicking the OK button.
  7. A window displays when the report is generated. The user can open the report locally, save the report, or cancel the file download.