Closing a Relative Child Care Provider Resource

This process must start within the context of the Provider Resource Detail. For more information on accessing the Resource Detail page, see Searching the Resource Databank.

To Close a Relative Child Care Provider Resource

  1. Within the context of the relative child care provider Resource Detail, click the Edit button.

  2. In the Basic Information section, select Closed from the Status drop-down menu.

  3. In the Child Care Information section, enter the EBT Closure Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

NOTE: The EBT Closure Date must be today’s date or a future date.

  1. Select Not Applicable from the Review Frequency drop-down menu.

  2. Enter 12/31/2999 as the Next Review Date.

  3. Click the Save button. The Resource Detail page displays.