Employment Letter

When Used: Used when scheduling an appointment in an office location different than the location associated to your Worker ID

Special Instruction: Used when scheduling an appointment in an office location different then the location associated to your Worker ID. Use the V808.

CONGRATULATIONS!  We received word of your employment and would like to offer employment-related help to you.  

Because you are working, there are services we may be able to provide that will help you keep your job.  We want to talk to you about these services. 

(_)  Please contact me for an appointment. 

(_)  An appointment has been scheduled for you:

Appointment Date: *MM/DD/YYYY*

Appointment Time: *HH:MM*

Appointment Location: *OFFICE NAME AND LOCATION*

We look forward to talking with you.  If this appointment time interferes with your job, please call me and the appointment will be rescheduled around your work hours.

Contact Person: *NAME*   Phone: *PHONE NUMBER* 

Spanish Translation

¡FELICITACIONES!  Nos enteramos de su empleo y quisiéramos ofrecerle ayuda relacionada con el empleo.  

Como está trabajando, le podemos ofrecer servicios que lo ayudarán a mantener su trabajo.  Queremos hablar con usted acerca de estos servicios. 

(_)  Comuníquese conmigo para coordinar una cita. 

(_)  Se coordinó una cita para usted:

Fecha de la cita: *MM/DD/AAAA*

Horario de la cita: *HH:MM*


Nos alegra poder hablar con usted.  Si el horario de esta cita interfiere con su trabajo, comuníquese conmigo y reprogramaremos la cita según su horario laboral.

Persona de contacto: *NOMBRE* y Teléfono: *NÚMERO DE TELÉFONO*