Foster Care Discontinuance

When Used: Foster Care Medical and Foster Care Cash are discontinued at the same time.

Special Instructions: Two NOAs are generated when PPS discontinues a Foster Care cash and Foster Care Medical program. Only the Medical program NOA needs to be sent if both programs are being discontinued. Delete the Non-Medical NOA and append the Medical NOA to include the following text:


In addition to Medical Assistance, your Foster Care coverage will also end. The last day of coverage is MM/DD/YYYY, which may be different from your Medical Assistance. Foster Care coverage cannot be reapplied for.

Spanish Translation:

Además de la asistencia médica, también terminará su cobertura de acogida temporal.  El último día de cobertura es el *MM/DD/YYYY*, que es posible que sea diferente al de su asistencia médica. No se puede volver a solicitar cobertura de acogida temporal.