All members of the household should be added in this section. This section is not editable. Data should be reviewed prior to saving each entry.
Click the Add button in the Household Group section to access the Household Group Detail page.
Enter the first and last name in the Name field.
Select the appropriate value from the Relationship drop-down menu.
Enter the DOB using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or calendar icon.
Enter the SSN number, if known.
Select the appropriate value from the Receiving SSI? drop-down menu.
Select the appropriate value from the Part of the AFDC Group? drop-down menu.
Enter AFDC Income using the 0.00 format. Do not use dollar ($) signs.
Enter Resources as applicable.
Click the Save and Return button. The Foster Care Eligibility Determination page displays with the household members information in static form in the Household Group section.
Click the Add button and repeat for each member of the household.
Click the Save button once all household members have been added.
Continue to complete the Household Linkage section.