This page is completed when a child is placed in a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) or receives Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) in their foster or adoptive home. The LTC Data Detail page is dynamic with different information required depending on whether the consumer is receiving Institutional Care or HCBS.
If a child is living in a PRTF or receiving HCBS at the time the agency receives custody, you will need to complete file clearance and registration process based on a child known to the system with no prior foster care or adoption assistance medical case. A new case needs to be created.
The Requested Medical Type (RMT) must be LTC for the entire month in which the child receives LTC care or services.
Example: Child enters a PRTF on 4/10/2014. He is released from PRTF on 5/16/2014. The RMT will need to be LTC for April and May.
LTC details display on the Medical EDBC Summary page along with the FCM or ASM medical aid code. LTC details include:
Institutional Care – IC/BF/MH
HCBS Waivers:
DD – Developmentally Disabled – H/HC/DD
SED – Severe Emotional Disturbance – H/HC/SE
Individual aids have been created for each type of placement between Foster Care or Adoption Assistance and Long Term Care. See Adoption Assistance Medical to Institutional Care, HCBS to Institutional Care, Foster Care to Institutional Care, Institutional Care to Foster Care, and Institutional Care to HCBS for further information.
Select LTC Data from Task Navigation. The LTC Data List page displays.
Click the Add button. The LTC Data Detail page displays.
Select the child from the Name drop-down menu.
Select the appropriate value from the LTC Type drop-down menu.
NOTE: The LTC Data Detail page is dynamic and re-displays with information required depending on the LTC Type selected - Institutional Care or HCBS.
Enter the Recorded Date using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.
NOTE: The Select button navigates the user to Select Provider Resource page where a search and selection of the facility or agency is done.
Click the Select button. The Select Provider Resource page displays.
Enter <name> in the Name text box.
Click the Search button. The Select Provider Resource page displays with results.
Select the radio button for the desired resource name.
Click the Select button. The LTC Data Detail page displays with resource information populated.
Complete the remaining required information designated by red asterisks.
Click the Save and Return button.
If the child has health insurance through a parent, proceed to Financial Data Collection - PPS, otherwise, proceed to Eligibility Determination and Calculation - PPS.