Read the Foster Care EDBC Summary Page

The Foster Care EDBC Summary page is viewed during the eligibility process prior to accepting EDBC.

General Information

Begin Month and End Month show the dates of the EDBC record.

NOTE:  If there is no End Month – this means the EDBC is high-dated and has not ended.  Since the EDBC is high-dated this is the consumer’s current eligibility.  

Run Date shows the date EDBC was run.

Run Status shows one of these values:

Accepted By shows who accepted the EDBC result.

EDBC Information

The EDBC Information block shows the type of EDBC:


Program Configuration

System Determination

EDBC Source: Online EDBC Rules

Program Status:

Name hyperlink

DOB: Child date of birth

Role shows only one of these values for PPS:

Role Reason - not applicable for PPS Foster Care or Adoption Assistance

Status is whether the consumer is:

Status Reason displays if the consumer has been Denied or Discontinued.

Reporting Configuration

Not applicable for PPS.  Fields include:

NOTE: When the user is reviewing the Foster Care EDBC page the Reporting Configuration block displays collapsed. Click the caret to expand the block.

Placement Information

Program Aid Code: Funding aid code

Begin Date: The Date the Program Aid Code is effective

End Date: The date the Program Aid Code is no longer effective

Overridden Aid Code: This field will only display an aid code if the user had to override the Program Aid Code. The original Program Aid Code will display as the Overridden Aid Code while one of the following Aid Codes displays under Program Aid Code.

Placement Name: Name of Placement Provider

Placement Dates: Displays the date of the current placement using From, the date of placement, and To, the date the child left the placement.

NOTE: If the child remains at the placement, To does not display.

Placement Type: The placement type designated in the Resource Databank.