Troubleshooting Reviews

Manually shortening a Review Due Date:

  1. From the Case Summary page click the View Details button on the ‘Non-Medical’ Program block needing the adjusted review date. The ‘Non-Medical’ Detail page displays.

  2. Click the Edit button. The ‘Non-Medical’ Detail page becomes editable.

  3. Enter the correct Review Due Month using the <mm/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  4. Click the Save and Return button. The Case Summary page displays.


Changing the Review Due Month to a future month:


EDBC Warnings for Reviews, IRs and 12 Month Reports

When a user attempts to run EDBC for a Review, IR or 12 Month Report a “Hard Warning” message may be received, meaning KEES does not allow the user to Run EDBC until the issue is resolved.

Action Needed:  


Action Needed:  Ensure the correct Run Reason is selected on the Run EDBC page.

Action Needed:  Ensure the correct Benefit Month is selected from the drop down and click the Select button. 


Program discontinues for failure to return information, customer turns information in during a review month. 


IR Due Date Adjustment: