
R S Policy Manual > Section 3 - Service Delivery > Part 8 - Service Codes and Spending Authorities

Service Codes and Spending Authorities

Rehabilitation Services (RS) Policy

Expenditures should be individually negotiated in all cases based on the client’s needs and the Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE), reasonable cost and prudent use of public funds.

This Section lists the Counselor's maximum spending authority for specific categories of services. Counselors or clients may initiate requests for exceptions. Approvals above the Counselor's spending authority must be reasonable and based on individual circumstances, an identified vocational rehabilitation need, and IPE services.

In all circumstances, the standard Exceptions Request Form (Section 8 / Part 54) or KMIS exceptions screens must be completed. Upon final action (approval or denial) the form must be routed to the Central Office. This information will be used for an ongoing review of the appropriateness of the spending authority levels, statewide consistency, and for program evaluation.


Key to Abbreviations:

LOC = Life of Case

PA = Per Authorization

SC = Service Codes

RM = Rehabilitation Manager

CO = Central Office


Service code and title


Counselor spending authority

001       Customer service

See service description 

Hourly fee only.

Use service code 801 for mileage.

Negotiated hourly fee; may be authorized by PA only.

025       IPE research #1: Referral

See service description

30% of negotiated total fee for IPE research.

$150 LOC

026       IPE research #2: Research

See service description

30% of negotiated total fee for IPE research.

$150 LOC

027       IPE research #3: IPE/signed

See service description

40% of negotiated total fee for IPE research.

$200 LOC

028       Case Coordination #1: Referral

See service description

Negotiated fee.

$200 LOC

029       Case Coordination #2: Qtrly intervals

See service description

Negotiated fee.

$2,000 LOC

030       Purchasing Support #1: Referral

See service description

30% of negotiated total fee for Purchasing Support.

$150 LOC

031       Purchasing Support #2: Purchase    


See service description

30% of negotiated total fee for Purchasing Support.

$150 LOC

032       Purchasing Support #3: Item delivered

See service description

40% of negotiated total fee for Purchasing Support.

$200 LOC

110       Driver Assessment


Does not include driver’s ed training.   See SC 545.


May be used only if on IPE.

Driver evaluation

Evaluation for driver accommodations

Evaluation for zero-effort steering


$2,000 LOC

120       Radiology & Laboratory



Blood tests

CAT scans

Chemical profiles

CT scans

Dental X-rays


Imaging services

Lab work



Panoramic X-ray

TB test



$500 PA

130       Medical/Physical/Dental Assessment

Audiological exam

Dental exam

ENT exam

Eye exam

Functional capacity evaluation

General medical exam

Hearing assessment

Low vision exam

Neurological exam

Occupational therapy evaluation

Optical exam

Physical exam

Physical therapy evaluation

Specialized medical exams


$500 PA




140       Records


Best practice:  Define the date range of the records you want to receive. 

Addiction recovery summary

Addiction treatment records

Alcohol and drug treatment records

Copy charges

Court records

Definitive medical summary

Doctor’s notes

Hospital records

Medical history

Medical records

Mental health center information

Patient records

Police report

Post-secondary school records

Probation or parole reports

Psychiatric hospitalization records

Psychologist’s notes or records

Psychotherapy reports


Treatment records

Written medical summary

$100 LOC



150       Vocational Evaluations

Vendor mileage, if approved, goes in SC 801

$450 LOC

155       Community Based Work Assessment

Provider fee

EACH is the unit

$750 LOC

156      CBWA client compensation


COMP is the unit

80 hours


160       Independent Living Assessment



$150 LOC

170       Psychological/Alcohol/Drug Assessment


$350 LOC

180       Assistive Tech Assessment


$2,200 LOC

200       Health Insurance Premium


$2,400 LOC

210       Drugs & Supplies

Prescriptions must be on file.

$1,500 LOC

220       Surgery

Surgeon fees

Assistant surgeon

Cataract surgery

Laser surgery

$10,000 LOC

combined authority with SC 250


(220 and 250 may not exceed $10,000 counselor spending authority for LOC)

230       Anesthesia

Anesthesiologist fees and charges

Dental anesthesia under SC 280 for dental services

$1,000 LOC

240       Medical Treatment


(Related to the disability, as opposed to general medical treatment under intercurrent illness)

Follow up eye exam

Follow up doctor visit

Physician’s office visit


$500 LOC

245       Intercurrent Illness Treatment


Policy regarding authorization—requires PA approval if was an emergency that wasn’t authorized in advance of the treatment occurring.

Medical care for acute conditions arising during rehabilitation and constituting a barrier to employment.

$6,750 LOC

250       Hospital Care (In/Out Patient)


$10,000 LOC

combined authority with SC 220


(220 and 250 may not exceed $10,000 counselor spending authority for LOC)

260       Chiropractic Services


$500 LOC

270       Visual Aids/Optical Devices

Large print measuring cups and liquid level indicators

Braille labeler


Cane, folding

White cane


Digital voice recorder

Dome magnifier

Large print overlay

Low vision magnifier


Speaking dictionary

Talking calculator

Talking compass

Talking watch

Video magnifier

Visual aids

CCTV repair

Digital notetakers

$11,250 AT LOC


 271      Glasses and contact lenses

Eye glass frames and lenses

Contact lenses



Tinted lenses

$250 LOC

280       Dental Services

Anesthesia associated with dental services

Dental services

Bridges – moved from SC 380 (prosthetics)


Dentures– moved from SC 380 (prosthetics)


Partial dentures


Root canal

Teeth cleaning

Tooth extraction

Oral surgery

$3,000 LOC


290       Hearing Aids/Audiological Devices


Does not include hearing aid dispensing fee due to federal distinction between the device and services to help acquire the device – see SC 417



Batteries for hearing aids

Doorbell amplifier

Ear molds

Flasher alarm

Hearing aids


Sonic boom alarm clock



Hearing aid repair

Hearing aid reprogramming

$3,000 LOC


320       Psych Treatment (Not Assessment)

Psychiatric medication checks

Psychiatric therapy sessions

$720 LOC


330       Alcohol/Drug Services (Not Assess)


$300 LOC


340       Psychological Services (Not Assess)


$720 LOC


350       Physical/Occupational Therapies


$500 LOC


360       Speech/Hearing Therapies


$1,000 LOC


365       Counseling & Guidance-General


Includes information and referral.

Provided by the VR counselor


370       Counseling & Guidance-Substantial


375       Benefits Counseling


This must now be included on the IPE if it is anticipated that it will be provided, per federal requirements. 


This service is provided to individuals who are interested in employment but who are uncertain of the impact of work income on benefits and entitlements being received.  This service typically involves an analysis of current benefits, financial situation, and the effect of different income levels.  It is intended to provide the individual with the opportunity to make an informed choice regarding the pursuit of employment.

Consultation with Working Healthy Benefits Specialist or other qualified benefits counselors

No cost, or provided as a comparable benefit


380       Prosthetics


Does not include fitting fee – see SC 417



$15,000 LOC


390       Orthotics



Cane (for support, not white or folding cane)

Compression stocking


Orthotic shoes

Shoe inserts

Sit/stand stool

Support stockings


$500 LOC


410       Other Assistive Devices,

             Not Otherwise Listed

Back cushion (not for WC)

Communication boards

$11,250 LOC


411       Wheelchairs

Custom seating

Jay or Roho cushions


Power WC


Three-wheel scooter

WC parts

WC repair

$20,000 LOC


412       Vehicle Modification

Vehicle modifications for accessibility

Repairs to vehicle modification equipment

$13,500 LOC


413       Computer Equipment


All computer equipment uses this service code.  KMIS will have an additional field on the Service Authorization to indicate if the computer or software is being purchased for training, reasonable accommodations, business establishment, job placement or other (specify).  This will allow all computers to be purchased under one code, but then correlated correctly to the RSA category.   

Would NOT include internet which would be included under maintenance (except internet tied specifically to business establishment).





Docking stand



Power supply





Wrist rest

JAWS or other screen reading software

Zoom text

$2,500 LOC


414       Home Modification


Home modifications are intended to remove barriers to access and functioning as needed to achieve the employment outcome. All home modification requests require central office approval.  If modification of rental property is being considered, the following issues must be addressed:  portability of the modification, the property owner's agreement to the modification, the client's rent history (frequency of moves), and evidence that the client intents to remain at the residence for a reasonable period of time.  

Accessible remodeling

Door widening

Grab bar installation


Bath lift

$11,250 LOC

Central Office approval required.


415     Worksite Modification



Central Office approval required.


417       Assistive Technology Services


Does not include assistive tech training.  See SC 591.

Hearing aid dispensing fee

Prosthetic fitting

WC analysis and recommendations

Evaluation of the need for AT equipment

Assistance in acquiring AT equipment

Selecting, designing, fitting, customizing, adapting, repairing AT devices

$1,500 LOC


510       4-Year College and University


Academic training leading to a bachelor’s degree.

Tuition and fees only

$5,000 PA


511      Graduate-Level College or University


Academic training leading to a degree beyond the bachelor’s level, such as a master’s degree, Ph.D., or JD.

Tuition and fees only

$6,500 PA


512      Junior College, Community                

            College, Technical



Academic training above the high school level leading to an associate’s degree, a certificate or other recognized educational credential.

Tuition and fees only

$3,000 PA


520      Basic Academic or Remedial Training

Remedial training

Literacy training

$300 PA


530       Occupational or vocational training


Occupational, vocational or job skill training provided by a community college and/or business/vocational/trade school to prepare individuals for employment in a recognized occupation.  Does NOT lead to an associate’s degree, a certificate or other recognized credential. 

Tuition and fees only


Computer training

Office skills training

Peer specialist training


$1,600 LOC


 535      Tutors


Rate:  Not to exceed $10 per hour.


When this service is provided to individuals in post-secondary education, it is subject to the Memorandum of Agreement with Institutions of Higher Education.  See:



$3,000 LOC


540       Training books

Would not include computers – moved to SC 413.

Would not include parking permits – moved to SC 800.

Would not include supplies

$600 PA (per semester)



541      Supplies for training

Paper supplies

Pens, pencils

Ink cartridges

$50 PA (per semester)

545      Training services not otherwise listed


GED training

Training leading to high school diploma

CPR training

Driver education

$500 LOC


550       Job readiness training


Training provided to prepare an individual for the world of work on issues such as appropriate work behaviors, getting to work on time, appropriate dess and grooming, increased productivity.


$500 LOC

555       Job Preparation


$1,700 LOC

560       On-the-Job Training


Training in specific job skills by an employer.  The trainee is paid and will remain in the same or similar job upon successful completion.  Usually VR pays the employer for a share of the trainee’s salary during the on-the-job training time period.


$1,500 LOC

561       Apprenticeship Training


This is a work-based training program that combined hands-on, on-the-job work experience in a skilled occupation with related classroom instruction.  The following factors are associated with apprenticeships:  includes supervision and structured mentoring; provides for wage increases as skills increase; based on an employer-employee relationship; and provides an industry-recognized certification of completion.


$1,500 LOC

575       Job Coaching – short term


On-the-job supports provided to an individual who has been placed in employment.  Services are intended to stabilize the placement and enhance retention.  Such services include short-term job coaching for persons who do not have a supported employment IPE. 



30 hours @ $34 per hour

576       Job Coaching – supported employment


On-the-job supports needed to support and maintain an individual with a most significant disability in supported employment.  Individuals have a supported employment IPE. 


May be used when all five components of Customized Employment are authorized, or for Discovery/Supported Employment cases.


$1,700 LOC

50 hours @ $34 per hour

590       Independent living Skills Training


$1,000 LOC

591       Assistive technology training

Service provider agreement

$1,200 LOC

593       Comprehensive Blind Skills Training


Service provider agreement

$10,000 LOC

594       Orientation & Mobility (community-based)

Service provider agreement

$3,000 LOC

595       Rehabilitation Teaching


Service provider agreement

$3,000 LOC

596       Communication skills training for persons

             who are blind or visually impaired

Service provider agreement

$3,000 LOC

609       Guided Placement

Service provider agreement

$1,700 LOC

610       Self-Directed Placement


No cost

614       Job Development-Action Plan

Service provider agreement

$500 LOC

615       Job Development-Placement

Service provider agreement

$500 LOC

616       Job Development-Stabilization

Service provider agreement

$500 LOC

617       Job Development-45 Days

Service provider agreement

$500 LOC

618       Job Development-Extended Plan

Service provider agreement

$500 LOC

619       Job Development-Closure

Service provider agreement

$1,000 LOC

620       Occupational Tools


All tool purchases must use this service code.  KMIS will an additional field on the Service Authorization to indicate if the tools were purchased for training, job placement or other (specify). 


Does not include initial stocks and supplies, see SC 623

Mechanic tools

Drafting tools

$3,000 LOC

621       Licenses


Reinstatement fees are not allowed.

Commercial driver’s license

Driver’s license

Nursing license

Occupational license

SW license

Real estate license

$125 LOC

622       Business Establishment

Accounting services


Business start-up expenses

Deposit on business rental property

Liability insurance for business

Office supplies for business

$2,000 LOC

623       Internet for business establishment if

             necessary on approved business plan


$150 LOC

624       Technical Assistance for business


Review of feasibility of business plan


Service provider agreement/$60 per hour

$180 LOC

625      Initial stocks and supplies


$1,000 LOC

640      Job  Placement Action Plan


Service provider agreement

$200 LOC

641      Placement


Service provider agreement

$300 LOC

642     30 days on the job


Service provider agreement

$200 LOC

655     Community-Based Job Tryout

Provider fee

Unit is EACH

$175 LOC

 656    CBJT client compensation

Unit is COMP

80 hours


700     Maintenance/Basic Subsistence


Increased costs due to participation in VR for basic subsistence (food, shelter, clothing)


Maintenance analysis worksheet is required.





Natural gas







Cell phones


College room and board (dorm or off-campus housing)

$450 per month


725       Maintenance/Interview/Work Clothing


On Service Authorizations, be specific regarding the type of clothing, for example:  “khaki pants for uniform”, rather than “work clothing.”


$300 LOC

726       Maintenance/Enrichment Activities

             (during post-secondary education)

Supplementary activities and programs that contribute to the learning objectives of the courses being taken or the degree being pursued.

Field trips

Weekend seminars

Excludes club memberships and out-of-state activities

$50 per semester

800       Client transportation


Rate:  The mileage rate is indexed to 50% of the State of Kansas official mileage rate as published by the Department of Administration each July.  Annual changes will be announced by Rehabilitation Services Administration prior to implementation. Effective March 23, 2016 the rate is 27 cents per mile.   Remember:  Mileage must be based on an estimate of actual miles necessary for purposes of the Individual Plan for Employment, and not a lump sum or “stipend” amount.  Mileage must be authorized in advance and mileage logs are required for payment.  Mileage may be paid door-to-door, sometimes referred to as portal-to-portal.



Parking fines are not an allowable expense.


Bus coupons

Taxi tickets

Parking (not in SC 540)

Turnpike fees

Parking fees


$450 per month


801       Vendor transportation


Rate:  The mileage rate will be indexed to 65% of the State of Kansas official mileage rate as published by the Department of Administration each July.  Annual changes will be announced by Rehabilitation Services Administration prior to implementation.  Effective March 23, 2016, the mileage rate is 35 cents per mile.  Remember:  Mileage must be based on an estimate of actual miles necessary to carry out the service, and not a lump sum or “stipend” amount.  Mileage may be paid door-to-door, sometimes referred to as portal-to-portal.  Currently vendor mileage must be entered into a KMIS vendor table before it can be authorized.  To begin this process, send the vendor’s name, address, SMART ID, and purpose of the travel to


KMIS will have an additional field to identify the core service code that this vendor mileage supports – such as vocational evaluation, interpreting, customer service, personal assistance, etc.    



Hotel costs for personal assistants or drivers when travel with client is necessary as reasonable accommodation


Personal assistant or driver meals

$200 PA

 802     Client airfare


One round trip per semester if comparable training is not available in Kansas


$600 PA


 803     Relocation expenses


If more than 25 miles from current residence.


Only one relocation per training is permitted.


Relocation expenses related to job placement or approved IPE services


Relocation for training if comparable training is not available in the home community


Moving truck





$1,500 LOC

805     Bicycles and scooters for transportation


Must be necessary for transportation for IPE activities or employment.  Includes scooters when used for transportation as opposed to scooters used for indoor & outdoor accommodations for individuals with mobility impairments.  For the latter, see SC 411.   


May be used only one-time during the life of the case.




$500 LOC

810       Vehicle Purchase


Excludes Sales Tax or fees.


Check Kelly Blue Book value.



$3,500 LOC

Requires Rehabilitation Manager or PA approval of analysis and rationale.

IF RM or PA authority is used in addition so that the cost is $5,000, DCF prior authorization is required.

 811      Vehicle purchase sales tax


Must be comparable to the purchase price provided by VR


$300 LOC

820       Vehicle Insurance


Allowable only if the IPE created the need for this service.  Not allowed when this was a client responsibility prior to the IPE. 


$750 LOC

 821      Vehicle property tax


$100 LOC

 822      Vehicle tags/registration


Allowable only if the IPE created the need for this service.  Not allowed when this was a client responsibility prior to the IPE. 

Includes 60-day tag with  vehicle purchase

$30 LOC

830       Vehicle Repair

Add vehicle inspection (prior to purchase and for repair estimates)

$1,000 LOC

910       Foreign Language Interpreter


$500 LOC


915       Accommodations for persons who are

            deaf or hard of hearing


Rate for sign language interpreters


  • Hourly fee for KQAS certification level I, II, or III is $40.
    These skill levels are not recommended and may be used only if the consumer agrees that the service results in effective communication.
  • Hourly fee for KQAS certification level IV is $45.
  • Hourly fee for KQAS certification level V is $50.


Authorize for the first hour, and then in 15-minute increments thereafter.


Rate for notetakers:  Current minimum wage and not to exceed 30 hours per week.  


When this service is provided to individuals in post-secondary education, it is subject to the Memorandum of Agreement with Institutions of Higher Education.  See:


Sign language interpreting



$6,000 LOC


916       Sign language interpreter travel time

Hourly professional fee for travel time.

Mileage would be in SC 801

$150 PA

920       Accommodations for persons who are

             blind or visually impaired


Rate for readers:  Current minimum wage and not to exceed 30 hours per week.  


Rate for notetakers:  Current minimum wage and not to exceed 30 hours per week.  


When this service is provided to individuals in post-secondary education, it is subject to the Memorandum of Agreement with Institutions of Higher Education.  See:


Reader services

Reading aloud

Sound recording of print

Audio books

Transcription of regular print to Braille or large print


$500 LOC

930       Personal Attendant Services


Rate:  Not to exceed $7.45 per hour and not to exceed 30 hours per week.

Hourly fee for services provided


Use service code 801 for travel related expenses

$500 LOC

935       Other Personal Assistance Services


Rate for drivers:  Current minimum wage for drive time only.


Rate for notetakers:  Current minimum wage and not to exceed 30 hours per week.  


Use service code 801 for travel related expenses.

Drivers (drive time only)

Guide dogs

Service dogs

Companion dogs

Note-taking for consumers with cognitive impairments

$500 LOC

955       Child Care


$5,000 LOC

DCF rate structure

970       Discovery/SE action plan


Service provider agreement

$100 LOC

971       Discovery completed


Service provider agreement

$1,600 LOC

972       Discovery/SE job development action plan


Service provider agreement

$150 LOC

973       Discovery/SE on-the-job 10 days and

             instructional plan


Service provider agreement

$1,500 LOC

974       Discovery/SE stabilization achieved


Service provider agreement

$100 LOC

975       Discovery/SE plan for extended services


Service provider agreement

$100 LOC

976       Discovery/SE successful employment


Service provider agreement

$1,000 LOC

999      One-time emergency service necessary to     

            start or keep a job.


This service will automatically print on all IPEs.  The IPE will include this statement:  This service will be provided only for emergencies necessary to start or keep a job.  This service will not be provided in all case. 


Requires Status 20, 22 or 32 to issue a service or payment authorization.


Requires an additional field on the authorization form for the customary service code for the goods or services provided to be noted (necessary to assure proper tracking back to federal reporting).


$250 LOC