Data Acceptance - Non-Medical

Applications, changes and reviews can be submitted via the Self Service Portal (SSP). These all populate consumer information on the data collection pages in KEES and generate a PDF in ImageNow labeled SSP Uploaded Documents.

Consumers known to KEES routinely report information that differs from what existed prior to the receipt of new information. When new, differing, or updated information is received from the SSP it is necessary to determine if that data should be accepted or rejected. This is called Data Acceptance.

When there is an existing piece of data in KEES and new information is reported, the word New displays in red to the right of the page in Task Navigation and to the left of the Case Person’s name on the applicable List page. After navigating to the Detail page new data displays with a check box below the existing data. Selecting the check box indicates the user intends to ‘accept’ the new data and leaving the check box blank indicates the user intends to ‘reject’ the new data. Data Acceptance must be completed for the entire page, meaning that all individual data points on the page must be reviewed and accepted or rejected prior to moving on to the next page.

The e-Application, e-Review or e-Change Summary page in KEES may not display all the needed or correct information. Users should always utilize the PDF to verify that all the information the consumer provided is entered in the correct fields. See e-Applications, e-Change, e-Reviews, or SSP Link Request for more guidance on information received through the SSP.

**Workers who perform data acceptance need to be very diligent and make sure the data they are accepting makes sense. If something does not make sense or if someone else’s information is trying to map in, the data should be rejected and the user should manually create the correct record if applicable. Rejected Data is still available on the PDF.**