KEESM 07-01-24
    1000 Administrative Information
    2000 General Eligibility
    3000 Employment Services
       3000.1 Purpose
       3100 Work Requirements
       3200 Exemptions
       3300 Activities
       3400 Support Services for Employment Services
          3410 Provisions Specific to TANF
          3410.1 Case Management Services for TANF
          3410.2 Transportation for TANF
          3410.3 Special Services for TANF
          3410.4 Child Care Services for TANF
          3410.5 Education/Job Skills Training/Vocational Education Activity Costs for TANF
          3410.6 Contracted Employment Services for TANF
          3410.7 Transitional Services for TANF
          3430 Provisions Specific to SNAP Employment & Training (E&T)
          3430.1 Case Management Services for E&T
          3430.2 Transportation for E&T
          3430.3 Special Services for E&T
          3430.4 Child Care Services for E&T
          3430.5 Education/Job Skills Training/Vocational Education Activity Costs for E&T
          3430.6 Contracted Employment Services for E&T
          3430.7 Retention Services for E&T
          3440 Post-Employment Services
          3441 Post Employment Services Specific to TANF
          3441.1 Work Incentive Payment Program
          3441.2  Work Retention Payment
       3500 Failure To Meet Work Related Requirements
    4000 Assistance Planning With Individual Applicants/Recipients
    5000 Resources
    6000 Income
    7000 Budgeting of Income and Determination of Financial Eligibility
    8000 Reserved
    9000 Reporting Changes, Transfer Of Assistance And Reviews
    10000 Child Care Providers
    11000 Incorrect Benefits And Fraud Determinations
    12000 Reserved
    13000 Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)
KEESM Appendix
KEESM Miscellaneous Forms
KEESM Summary of Changes and SCLs
Implementation and COLA Memos
Policy Memos
KEESM Past Revisions
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