9300 Reviews
All categories of assistance require periodic review. At the expiration of the review period, entitlement to assistance ends. Further eligibility must be determined through the review process. A review is based on a new application, an interview, if required, and verification as required.
Note: For those households who do not return the review by the end of their review period, the review form can be used to determine eligibility if the form is returned in the month following the end of the review period. Expedited service and pro ration are applicable when a Food Assistance household returns the review form in the month following the end of their review period. All food assistance households who return the review form in the month following the end of their review period must be screened for expedited service.
9310 Review Process - The review process is a complete re-examination by the agency concerning all factors of eligibility. In the process, the appropriate review form shall be used along with the rest of the agency record (except for review extensions per 9310.1 where a form is not required). The purpose of the review is to give the client an opportunity to bring to the attention of the agency his or her needs and to give the agency an opportunity to re-examine all factors of eligibility in order to determine the client's continuing eligibility for assistance.
9320 Notice of Expiration - A notice of expiration of the review period shall be sent to each household. The local agency shall provide an application form with the notice of expiration and/or an appointment for an interview, if applicable. When a review must be made and it is known that the recipient is temporarily visiting away from his or her residence, the notice of expiration and appropriate form should be mailed to the temporary address.
In all programs, a notice of expiration shall be mailed to the household no earlier than the first day of the next-to-the-last month of the review period and no later than the first day of the last month of the current review period.
NOTE: This provides timely notice of the ending of benefits; therefore, further timely notice is not required to affect benefits for the start of the new review period.
Food Assistance - For households approved for 2 months of Food Assistance benefits, the notice of expiration shall be provided at the time of approval, i.e., expedited benefits.